Health advice

  • Health Harborough

    The Healthy Harborough partnership is a collection of partners who deliver health related services across the district. Healthy Harborough aims to tackle health inequalities, identify trends and provide access to local health and wellbeing opportunities to residents, throughout all stages of their life.


  • Ear wax problems

    Your ears
    The ear canal is a 3cm tunnel ending at the eardrum. The sides of the tunnel are covered with skin and have small glands which produce wax. The wax is important to waterproof and protect the skin of the tunnel. Usually, ears are self cleaning and the excess wax works itself out.
    Occasionally, a large build up of wax can cause deafness and then you may need to use ear drops to clear it. Only very rarely should syringing be needed. Even if syringing is carried out carefully by trained staff, as here in the Medical Centre, it can cause complications such as ear infections, perforated ear drums, tinnitus, vertigo and deafness, so we only use it as an absolute last resort.
    Instead we recommend that you use eardrops three times/day for at least 3 weeks. This will clear most wax build up. Please do not use cotton-buds or ear candles – these can do real damage to the ear canal and drum. Once the ears are clear of wax, it can be helpful to continue to use the drops twice/week to help keep them clear.
    If you are deaf and you don’t know why, or if you have other ear symptoms e.g. unpleasant discharge/pain, or you have been told you have already got a perforated ear drum, then you should see a GP or nurse. In these cases please do not put anything in your ears until they have been checked.
    How to use ear drops
    Use olive oil or sodium bicarbonate ear drops (available from a pharmacy). Have the drops at room temperature for use. Lie on your side with the affected ear uppermost and put 3-5 drops into the ear canal. Let the drops soak in for at least 5 minutes.
    You can use some cotton wool (dampened with water or Vaseline)placed at the entrance to the canal to stop drips running out as you get up afterwards.
    Repeat for other ear if necessary. This method is effective and safe. Help us to help you avoid syringing.

  • Harborough Hub

    Tuesday – Friday
    10:00 – 16:00
    Harm Reduction
    Tenancy Support
    Recovery Aftercare
    Form Filling
    Benefits Support
    Employability Coach

    10 Fairfield Road, Market Harborough

    01858 374949


  • First Contact Physiotherapy Service

    This is an on the day assessment service for patients registered with any of the
    five General Practices in the Harborough Locality (Market Harborough Medical
    Centre, Husbands Bosworth Medical Centre, Kibworth Medical Centre, Two
    Shires Medical Practice and Billesdon Surgery), who have a musculoskeletal
    problem (which they have experienced for no more than the previous twelve
    weeks) such as:
    Back or neck pain
    Sprains or strains
    Sports injuries
    Joint or muscle pain

    For more information, please read this leaflet.

  • Versus Arthritis

    Arthritis steals from millions of people every single day. It can stop you from being intimate, moving freely or just being yourself. Join us and add your name to defy arthritis.

    0800 5200 520
