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Please note: The practice will be closed from 12:30pm on Wednesday 12th March 2025 for staff training!

Infection control statement


This annual statement will be generated each year in July. It summarises:

  • Any infection incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure)
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines in line with Covid and IPC


This Protocol applies to all staff employed by the practice across the three sites.

IC Lead

The Practice Manager, Karen Partyka, is supported by Infection Control Lead Nurse Natalie Sweet.

The GP Lead is Dr M T Yates.


Natalie attends the quarterly Infection Control meetings headed by Leanne Corbishley Infection Prevention and Control Nurse LLR ICB and keeps up to date with Blue Stream Training. Update training is provided to the rest of the practice team at our Protected Education meetings annually.

Staff that are unable to be present at the training are given a copy of the training presentation which is available to all staff. The IC inspection document is available on the shared drive for all staff to access. An article on hand hygiene was included in our last staff newsletter.


As a practice we ensure that all of our clinical staff are up to date with their Hep B immunisations and offered any occupational health vaccinations applicable to their role (i.e. MMR, Seasonal Flu). We take part in the National Immunisation campaigns for patients and offer vaccinations in house and via home visits to our patient population.

Covid, Flu, Shingles and Pneumonia are also available to qualifying patients.


  • Our contract cleaner’s ServiceMaster work to cleaning specifications laid out in their contract along with frequencies and an annual audit takes place to ensure these are being met. Cleaning equipment is stored in accordance with the NHS Cleaning Specifications.
  • In the doctor’s room the modesty screens are disposable paper type material and changed bi-annually or as necessary.
  • Spill kits for blood, vomit or urine are provided for the reception area and treatment room complete with all necessary Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Our Air conditioning unit are cleaned and serviced annually to prevent any legionella build up in line with our Legionella Risk Assessment.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

The practice provides PPE for all members of the team in line with their role.

  • Clinical staff are provided with aprons, several different types and sizes of gloves and goggles/face mask/shields as necessary
  • Reception staff are provided with gloves for the handling of sample pots and sharps bins
  • All staff are provided with facemasks in line with COVID requirements


  • Clinical waste is categorised and stored in line with our waste management policy and collected weekly by Initial/Rentokil, waste transfer sheets are stored and archived for 5 years
  • Domestic waste is disposed of by Harborough District Council. Collections take place weekly

Fixtures, Fittings and Furniture

Where possible all decorating, renewals and repairs will be made in line with infection control guidelines;

  • Where planned renewals of fixtures such and sinks and taps will ensure complaint items are installed where they are not currently at full specification
  • The seating in the clinical rooms and waiting rooms are in good repair and of wipe able materials and all rooms are hard flooring


An annual Infection Prevention and Control in General practice audit was completed in May 2023 and reported to the Partners. All policies and procedures are updated every year or as necessary. There have not been any infection control incidents.

Our Cold Chain Audit was competed in June 2023.

The following risk assessments have also been completed with the last 6 months: Sharps, COSHH and alcohol gel.

Policies Policies relating to Infection Prevention and Control are stored on TeamNet.  These are reviewed and updated annually as appropriate. However, all are amended on an on-going basis as current advice changes.

Responsibility It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this Statement and their roles & responsibilities under this. It is also the responsibility of the Practice Manager to ensure staff are familiar with the contents.


There is one isolation room available for patients who are thought to be contagious so rather than using the main waiting room patients may asked to wait there or return to their vehicle  until seen.

Patients known to have MRSA will be treated at the end of a nurse clinic list so that the room can be appropriately cleaned after the consultation. There have been no reported cases of MRSA acquired in the practice.

Review date July 2024. 

Responsibility for Review the Practice Manager & IC Lead Nurse are responsible for reviewing the Statement.